Archive for the ‘Random Thoughts’ Category

Here I sit at the San Jose International Airport waiting for my flight which will begin boarding in about 45 minutes.

The TSA check point wasn’t too bad. It took maybe 5 minutes to go through once I got up to the metal detector and xray machine. They asked me to take my shoes off. That’s a first for me at an Airport. I guess it depends on the type of shoes you have on.

After getting through the check point and retrieving my laptop, I had a little snack and now I’m posting this message.

I’m hoping the plane will have Wi-Fi. It’s a 50/50 chance since the plane I’ll be flying on is a Boeing 737-400 Jet which according to the website has wifi but because my flight is only 1.5 hours, it might not be available. I did pay $6.95 USD for a 24 hour pass here in the Airport which I’m only going to use maybe 1 hour total. Oh well, I’m a geek and wanted to check email and post.

I really hope that I’ll be able to post from 30,000 feet. That would be cool. Either way I will take pictures from the plane and will post some from the air if I can or once I land. Until next time…

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May 23, 06 - 1:26 pm

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Random Thoughts

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I agree 100% with this girls shirt as seen below:

Boobs with Jack Daniels

She may not be perfect but some parts of her are pretty awesome. I mean just look at the size of the bottle of Jack Daniels :)

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Apr 3, 06 - 3:54 pm

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Random Thoughts

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Here are some words of wisdom I’d like to dedicate to someone who use to be a friend of mine:

“Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the strength, move on.”

– Henry Rollins

These are good words of wisdom for anyone to think about. Henry Rollins, you are my hero!

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Jan 9, 03 - 8:38 pm

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Random Thoughts

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Why “heavy”? Why “metal”?

The music that stirs our Dark Selves… existed long before our feeble attempt to define it in modern English. Before it had a “name”…

It thundered down from the black skies into lifeless seas.
It came spewing from the volcano at Pompeii.
It howled in the dungeons of the inquisition.
It threw back its head and laughed at the antics of Charlie Chaplin.
It has always been ever with us… and ever shall be.

It was only when rock ‘n’ roll came along (November 1954) that we “humans” had an interface with all this nameless cosmic energy and an opportunity for some bright lad to come up with the designation “Heavy Metal”.

Some reject the phrase as too limiting. Some reject the clothing as to confining. Many refuse to comment… but admit it… isn’t there one track you put on really loud when you’re the only one home? And isn’t that just the best?

Good old nameless cosmic energy, that’s all. We call it “Heavy Metal” now but that’s just a name…

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Nov 28, 02 - 3:18 pm

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Random Thoughts

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When I was younger, I based the amount a band “rocked” by thunderous crashing guitars and drums. Well, this simply isn’t the case anymore… so what has changed? Me.

In recent years, I’ve experienced a great collection of music I wouldn’t have given a second chance 13 years ago during my MetalGlamMulleted Days in Southern California.

There are so many multi-talented musicians and clever songwriters with an on-stage energy that rivals any huge, impressive sound and light production around. That’s what is impressive to me now.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love thunderous crashing guitars and drums but there’s a lot more to music than just that. Just my two cents.

Now back to your regular scheduled program… oh and ROCK ON!!!!

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Nov 9, 02 - 3:46 pm

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Random Thoughts

Comments Off on Don’t go to bed angry…

Don’t go to bed angry with the ones you love and care about. If there’s a problem, do your best to work it out before you go to bed. If you’re sorry, say you’re sorry. If you love someone, tell them. If you forgive them, tell them.

Life is to short and you might never get the chance to tell someone you’re sorry, that you love them, care for them or you forgive them. I made this mistake before when my grandfather died this past March and I’m so sorry I did not spend more time with him during his last days. I will not do it again… so with that said… I want to say “I’m sorry, I love you, I care for you, I forgive you.”

This post is meant for my family, friends and loved ones… you know who you are.